C o D E C S

Coupled Dark Energy Cosmological Simulations

The CoDECS project is a publicly available database of N-body simulations for various types of interacting Dark Energy cosmologies. 

All the data available through this website are licensed under:

       Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license  

Please acknowledge any use of the data with a reference to:

M. Baldi - MNRAS 422, 1028 (2012) - arXiv:1109.5695
M. Baldi et al. - MNRAS 403, 1684 (2010) - arXiv:0812.3901http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/shapeimage_3_link_0

Problems with the use of the database to be addressed to: mail [at] marcobaldi.it

ENTER CoDECS http://www.marcobaldi.it/web/CoDECS_summary.html

The CoDECS Project is supported by: